Invest while you can
Hello Team Fit,
Happy World Health Day, the theme for this year is "Building a fairer, healthier world."
We want to make sure you know, we at Salsa City Fitness, Troy, are always cheering you on in working towards your fitness goals.
Earlier this year, Liza welcomed her grandbaby into the world. Spending those tender moments with her bundle of joy made her want to reach out and share an important message with you all.
The warmth and love you can experience on occasions like these is one of the many perks of keeping your health in check. Life can be enjoyed to the fullest when you're healthy.
Health is not limited to physical wellness; it includes mental as well as social spheres of wellbeing. According to the World Health Organization, health is central to human happiness and wellbeing. Health impacts all aspects of life, including income. Healthy populations live longer, more productive lives and save more money for retirement when they don't incur large medical expenses.
We can all agree, a happy, healthy life lived to the fullest, enjoying the company of those you love, is the dream. While 2020-2021 has been challenging to keep our fitness routine on track, it's never too late to take control.
Millions of people around the world succumb to preventable/ manageable diseases by squandering their health away. As your local fitness center, we are committed to helping you be the best, healthiest version of yourself. We offer a range of fun fitness classes taking the work out of the workout. We also have nutritional programs to help you eat better and relaxing massages for your mind and muscles.
"Our bodies are our gardens - our wills are our gardeners." -William Shakespeare.
There are so many ways to improve your health, no step is too small, and every move you make takes you closer to enjoying a healthier life.
Social Butterfly
Human beings are social animals; the pandemic put a pin in one of our most basic needs to socialize with one another. As we adapt and evolve to this new world, we want to remind you that remaining socially connected; especially as you get older, is extremely important to maintain your physical and mental health.
Social interactions bring positive feelings and reduce negative factors like stress. Guess what other activity does these exact things? Yup, working out. So why not make the best of it and join us for classes. You can sign up virtually or in person and enjoy the social support system at Salsa City Fitness.
I like to move it, move it- Physically fit, physically fit..
You know how it goes; a sedentary lifestyle is a gateway to ill health. Factors like geans, external elements, and stress only add to the woes. Rather than waiting for an illness to kick in the same age it did for your parents, take control and get moving. With warmer temperatures, you can go out for a run, a walk, or even some yoga, whatever floats your boat.
Whenever you're ready to sign up, we are here for you. We have all kinds of workout classes for everyone. Age no bar, we start early in the A.M, and if you are super hard pressed on time, you can even squeeze in a quick sweet sweat sesh to top off your daily activity.
A healthy heart makes all the difference.
When we celebrated heart health month, we spoke about several aspects of cardiovascular health we can improve with proper nutrition and fitness.
As we age, exercising is crucial to decrease our risk of heart ailments. It keeps cholesterol and blood pressure in check, improves stamina and overall quality of life.
Age can cause changes like arrhythmias, insulin sensitivity, and more; these can be kept in check by staying active from the get-go rather than getting fit once something is detected, making exercise feel like a medicine or a chore. Fitness is far from boring; join us for our fun workouts, and we promise you will love coming for class.
Pump It.
Get that blood flowing by joining us for cardio- aerobic fitness like Zumba, and we have an assortment of classes for all fitness levels. Getting your heart rate up without inducing too much strain is a delicate balance to maintain. Join us and enjoy marking your daily fitness off the to-do list.
Do you lift?
While getting in that cardio is essential, a balanced fitness schedule includes strength training and flexibility exercises to increase muscle mass and bone density and decrease body fat.
Try Barbell Pump to build a stronger core or Aerial Yoga to improve your flexibility. Read more about core strength HERE.
Safety First.
Fitness activities are meant to strengthen your body, not wear it down. As we age, our bodies change; this includes changes in bone density, muscle elasticity, and more. While youtube videos can cut it for a while, getting injured can set you back months. Guidance from a certified fitness instructor will help you safely accomplish your goals.
Balance is Key.
We see many advertisements for emergency equipment for older folk with balance issues. You can work early enough to improve your balance by adding exercises like Vera Flow to enhance coordination to your fitness program.
Be Kind.
While we talk about being kind to one another, we often forget about being kind to ourselves.
Our bodies change with time, and our metabolism changes too. Every body is different, and every body is beautiful.
Be mindful of bad self-talk and toxic mind chatter, don't compare your progress to anyone else's, and stay focused on your goal.
Fit Fab Food.
We champion healthy eating habits and offer nutritional programs to help you learn to eat better. Sign up now; you can still make a difference by summer. For more tips on seasonal superfoods, click HERE.
You Snooze You Win
Never heard that one before, have you? Lack of sleep can wreak havoc in your body. Researchers are beginning to understand the reason some humans are night owls while others are early birds; while the debate continues on which of the two is healthier, it all boils down to the fact that; no matter what category you fall in, getting the right amount of sleep into your schedule is crucial for your physical and mental health.
There are plenty of exercises you can do to improve sleep.
Find out more HERE.
Chill Out
Stress is another major cause of poor health. Reduce your anxiety by joining us for relaxing Yoga like Vinyasa Flow or VeraFlow. Or sign up for a monthly massage with Liza and unwind from the grind.
Just Do It
If you have been pondering about taking the next step, we are here to help you with this cosmic revelation- THE TIME IS RIGHT.
While your dreams of a summer vacation on a tropical island might not be in the cards this year, doesn't mean you can't be beach ready.
Join us for an exotic fitness class like Belly Dancing or Latin Dance and prepare for your next trip.
"I believe that the greatest gift you can give your family and the world is a healthy you." -Joyce Meyer.
So start now, build your fitness bank. It's never too late to begin. Aging gracefully and with your health in check is the best way to do it. Sign up now to get fitter, for a better quality of life, and to enjoy your families longer.
"Health is the thing that makes you feel that now is the best time of year." -Franklin P. Adams.
Sargam Merchant
For Salsa City Fitness.