Dance Lessons
(For a complete list of what we offer, click HERE.)
Have you ever wanted to learn a specialized dance form to perform or social dance just for fun with a friend or partner? Check out our weekly classes on various dance styles and take some time out of the week for something different to do with you and or a friend!

Belly Dancing
Belly Dance- one of civilization's oldest dances developed in ancient middle Eastern cultures- Learn, in detailed instruction, this mesmerizing art for fun or performance; all shapes, sizes, and abilities welcome- no former dance training necessary! (Saturdays, 11:30am; $15)
(Belly Dancing Body Fitness ™, created by Tricia Truax, is a new refreshing fitness system that utilizes simple belly dance moves and incorporates them into a program that allows you to bring out your best version of YOU through dance ,fitness and fun!!! With edgy Arabic rhythms and contagious tribal beats , you will experience the mystic ora and feel great and excited to keep going from the passion it brings! This low impact workout redefines the definition of core work because of the constant movements that isolate and define the waistline. With BDBF drills , floor work , and choreography, you will not only get an amazing workout but you will leave feeling empowered and unstoppable! Come experience the passion of the mystic workout. Feel strong , beautiful and alive! Saturdays, 10:15am; $10)

Social Dancing
SEASONAL DANCE EVENTS- Learn social dancing such as Swing, Salsa, Tango, and more at our seasonal dance events! We also schedule dance lessons. Call/ text (937) 875-7082 to learn traditional socail dancing of many various formats. No partner required!